News & Updates
“The Voice of Atlantis” e “Road Elegy” del compositore Igor Evard"
Olga Ravchenko, Maria Akishina Anteprime mondiali: “The Voice of Atlantis” e “Road Elegy” del compositore Igor Evard
"Earth Revival"
An important event in the world musical academic culture was the recently released album of symphonic music by Igor Evard, "Earth Revival".
“Пробуждение Земли”
20 февраля музыкальный философ и страстный экспериментатор Игорь Евард представит масштабный вокально-симфонический концерт “Пробуждение Земли”: историю о силе и времени, любви и скорби, о быстротечности момента, перетекающего в вечность. Премьера пройдет в Светлановском зале Московского международного дома музыки, где зрители смогут в полной мере насладиться мировым уровнем звучания чарующих и возвышенных произведений автора.
Лучшее музыкальное видео
Награждение за лучшее музыкальное видео - клип MARBELLA на Берлинском кинофестивале (мой режиссерский дебют) Благодарю Артёма Зубова, Евгения Петрова, Екатерину Галактионову, Есению Раевскую и всю съемочную группу.
CKF International Film Festival
We congratulate you on your success and congratulate you again with all our sincerity.
We wish you good luck and success in your future cinema and art life and new projects.

Best Istanbul Film Festival Committee
Tokyo Film Awards Team
Dear Igor
we are delighted to announce that film "Time" was selected by our jury as a "GOLDEN" winner in the "BEST MUSIC COMPOSER" category. Congratulations! We are sending your award diploma and official laurel in attachment. You can check the full list of winners on the following link : Our team will reach you soon and provide you more information about your trophy. Status of your film was already updated on FilmFreeway platform.

Tokyo Film Awards (東京映画賞) is a unique film competition organized by working professionals from film and tv industry. Our programming team is mainly focused on short films as our main mission is to promote young talent and their vision. However, due to various pandemic restrictions we are unable to organize
live event in Japan as it would be extremely difficult for people to attend it.

Therefore, we are thinking of organizing a live screening on our website. If you wish your film to be screened please fulfill following form -

We wish you a good luck in your career
and we hope to see more of your work in the future!

Tokyo Film Awards Team
Fox International Film Festival
Dear Igor,
Congratulations! Your work was successful in the second part of our festival. Now you are on of the monthly Award Winners at FIFF festival. Our jury enjoyed spending time with your great work! We truly believe that this is another big step in your future career in cinema! Check your email for the message with a named certificate.
Your film-page on our official website:

Fox International Film Festival
Best Istanbul Film Festival Committee
Congratulations on being selected as a "Winner" for November 2021 Edition of CKF International Film Festival
Wish you best of luck!

Clip has received two more awards on nominations BEST MUSIC VIDEO in Festivals “Toronto Indipendent Film Festival of Cift” and “Best Istanbul Film Festival“
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